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Core Beliefs


·Everyone can have a seat at the table → we don't have to destroy others to get what we want and everyone can be heard

·Love is an infinite resource → there doesn’t have to be a cap on what, who or how much love you give. The well doesn’t just run dry.

·Communication & cross cultural understanding is pivotal → understanding others is the only way you will get anywhere in life and be able to reach your goals.

·Manifesting is amazing, but you have to back it up → manifesting alone won't get you anywhere, you have to put in work to start your business and give it power with manifestation, only in combination can you get there.

·Confidence, hard-work & persistence is Key → it doesn't matter if you don't have the confidence right now, or haven't had the experience, you have to start somewhere. But with these three things you can get into anywhere you want to be.

·The only person standing in your way is You → there may be certain people in your life telling you not to go after your dreams, but it's up to you to follow them regardless and to fight fr it regardless of the roadblocks. 

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